Your dog waiting to come out of their kennel until released.
Your dog sitting nicely to be leashed and go for a walk.
Your dog waiting patiently to walk through the door.
If you could have those three simple things, wouldn't you be happy? Yup! I thought so, me too! To get along in life a little courtesy goes a long way. Simple manners make the day a whole lot nicer.
Many times when living with a dog, we are jostled and pushed and pulled. It is frustrating and provokes unhappy feelings towards our dogs.
Let's say you have a puppy....Now! would be the perfect opportunity to teach your puppy manners. But wait, you just adopted a dog or your dog has been behaving badly for 9 years....You see, it doesn't matter how old or how long you have had your dog; Good manners and a polite dog are just a lesson away!
Out of the DogHouse LLC website
Contact Dru Therrian 440.286.9070