Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Common Canine Courtesy

Imagine this....

Your dog waiting to come out of their kennel until released.
Your dog sitting nicely to be leashed and go for a walk.
Your dog waiting patiently to walk through the door.

If you could have those three simple things, wouldn't you be happy? Yup! I thought so, me too! To get along in life a little courtesy goes a long way. Simple manners make the day a whole lot nicer.

Many times when living with a dog, we are jostled and pushed and pulled. It is frustrating and provokes unhappy feelings towards our dogs.

Let's say you have a puppy....Now! would be the perfect opportunity to teach your puppy manners. But wait, you just adopted a dog or your dog has been behaving badly for 9 years....You see, it doesn't matter how old or how long you have had your dog; Good manners and a polite dog are just a lesson away!

Out of the DogHouse LLC website
Contact Dru Therrian 440.286.9070

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Do Dogs ever Forget?

I have been pondering this thought "Do dogs ever forget?" in terms of training because as I train dogs and see those light bulb moments when they get "It" (meaning the thing I am teaching them), I wonder if once they learn "It" can they forget "It"?

I think it is so Brilliant when, particularly in teaching the Down Command, a dog actually lays down on the word with no other help or cue; Truly that is a Cognitive Thought Process of understanding and performance. Learning is a complex process and many cognitive skills contribute to the success. These critical skills include:

  • Attention
  • Working Memory
  • Processing Speed
  • Long-Term Memory
  • Visual Processing
  • Auditory Processing
  • Logic and Reasoning
I think dogs have these skills to learn. Of course these skills will vary from dog to dog as in people but I believe these skills exist in a dog's brain.  

So is learning Commands and Tricks like "Riding a Bike"? To me, Yes! Over the years, I have had several past dog owners come up to me proudly stating that their dog still knows all the commands and hand signals they learned at Out of the DogHouse. Sure, some dogs may be rusty from not as much practice but I have found and seen that the dogs do remember. Now if I can just find my glasses!

Out of the DogHouse LLC website
Contact Dru Therrian 440.286.9070

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Frosty Frolics!

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Brrr! Yup it's cold this January but if the temp rises to 20+ degrees you can get out for a bit with your pups; especially if the sun is shining. So bundle up yourself and your pups to go out and enjoy the Winter!

Living in the Snowbelt means coats and boots. Definitely a good idea for people and good for pups, too, of all sizes...not just little dogs. Atleast a coat; Foot apparel isn't always necessary but it is available. Your dog may appreciate the extra protection.

There are all types of selections and you just need to pick the best fashion and function for your dog. Do have a dress rehearsal before you go on your outdoor adventure. Dogs aren't use to wearing clothes.

If you don't have doggie boots be sure to wash your dog's paws off when you get home. Also don't make the mistake I did by stopping in at the Pet Store with dogs. Why, you ask? The sidewalk was crusted with salt and that really hurts paws. Cold and Salt is a Double Whammy!

All that white stuff is beautiful and remember it's temporary! Enjoy it while we have it. And if you aren't the "Outdoorsy" kind of person...stay tuned for some indoor ideas!

Out of the DogHouse LLC website
Contact Dru Therrian 440.286.9070

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

3 Cardinal Rules

Not too long ago, back in Dec 2014, (seems like ages, right?!!) one of my dog owners asked me "What the 3 Cardinal Rules would to be to train a dog?"

Hmmm, I gave that a brief thought and immediately said "I don't know!" but I would mull over my answer. Well, this is what I came up with and actually, I changed his question to "What the 3 Cardinal Rules would to be to Live with a Dog?"

1. Be Your Dog's Advocate = Do the very best for your dog; be it, stand up for him, give the best care, show appropriate love and discipline.You are the "One" your dog will count on.

2. Always Follow Through = When you ask your dog to do something make sure your dog completes the request. Never quit or give up even if it is messy and takes a while. Do what you say or your dog won't believe you.

3. Play = Take time to enjoy being with your dog. Remember to have fun in whatever way you choose. Play is an important part of life and doing so will make you Happy.

If you thought of something different that can work too! Leave a comment, I would love to hear from you!

Happy New Year! Here's to 2015 being our best year ever!

Out of the DogHouse LLC website
Contact Dru Therrian 440.286.9070